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Slave Selection

Slave Selection

Slave Selection is Simply #1 in Female Led Relationship Dating (FLR). With more than 300,000 active members This Femdom dating website provides the best way to find a femdom’s lover partner.FLR is when women lead men – men who want to be led by them. Of...


Sugardaddie has diversified and quality members. With 300,000 active members FROM USA. You can see profiles of all ages, but the most active groups are females who are in their early 20’s and gentlemen ages from 35-55 years old. Members on are...

MillionaireMatch celebrates and embraces successful people. They are admired and appreciated much more here than on any other site. Once you have achieved a certain level of success, it can be harder than ever to find someone interested in you for who you are and...


HER is one of the only popular dating apps that was actually created by and for queer women. Although it’s known as a lesbian app (and “her” implies women), HER is actually a good space for both cisgender and non-binary people looking to meet other...