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Slave Selection is Simply #1 in Female Led Relationship Dating (FLR). With more than 300,000 active members This Femdom dating website provides the best way to find a femdom’s lover partner.
FLR is when women lead men – men who want to be led by them. Of course this happens every day in all types of situations such as business, education, healthcare and home. The phenomenon is when men want/ask women to lead in their personal lives. The man in the relationship is submissive to the Woman. He may be dominant towards others but comes home as the strong knight that submits to his QUEEN. Of course, there are also men that will be a slave to love in everyday life as well.

FLR is the safest relationship a Woman can have. She makes the rules, sets the boundaries and she has the final saying; while the man loves and supports her in her role. In any other relationship, Women do not enjoy that kind of freedom or safety. This is a functional model for any woman who wants more control and less strife. Many men want the woman to rule over them so FLR to men is deeper and richer than simply being led by a woman or following her in a supportive role. It is erotic!


femdom dating