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Here are  examples of the absolute worst dating advice for men out there.

1.Don’t Pay For Her

Somewhere along the line paying for a woman when a man took her out on a date became shunned upon by the men’s self-help community. Perhaps it was a necessity in the empowerment of man, and something that self-improvement-seeking men, especially in dating, needed to hear. Maybe it gave men a certain belief and entitlement that they never had before; so for that, I can forgive many guys for believing this.

But it’s time to set the record straight. Not paying for a woman you want to take out says one thing to a woman, “This guy is cheap!”

I am not saying that you should lead with your money and get flashy or that you should pay for everything; but I am saying women still feel that men should pay (or at least offer to) when he takes her out on a date. I’ve known guys who were adamant about not paying for a drink or a meal or a ticket, and they were looked at by the women they took out as petty.


2.Kiss Her At The End Of The Date

Kissing her at the end of the date is okay, but waiting until the end of the date to kiss her for the first time is not. If you have to wait until the very end of the date to lock lips with your woman, you’ve done something wrong. It works out far better when you kiss a woman earlier on in the date. Maybe half hour or an hour into the date is best. This way you get it out of the way and you don’t build up weird, awkward feelings between you and her. Rather than being predictable and ineffective, be spontaneous and successful!


3.Wait At Least 3 Dates To Have Sex With Her

A lot of people think you have to wait a certain amount of dates to have sex with someone. Typically I hear things like “Wait 3 dates before getting sexual.” . It’s one of the worst dating tips for men out there! You can have sex on the first date and still have long-term relationships. Waiting longer to have sex in hopes of increasing your chances of being in a relationship is wrong. It doesn’t work. Relationships aren’t formed because of waiting longer to have sex. They’re formed when two people connect and find that they love connecting and being around one another. Period.


4.Don’t Tell Her That You Like Her

Not telling a woman you like her is juvenile. It’s advice that children give to one another while playing tag and hop-scotch in the playground. When you’re an adult you have to know how to tell someone you like them. When you’re a man, you have to be confident when you do this.

You don’t want to tell a woman you really like her on your first date or when you first meet her. That’s a given. However, at some point down the line, after a connection and bond is formed, you have to be able to confidently express your feelings. Don’t come off needy and profess your love for her (even if you truly are falling for her) because this will be a huge turn off for women if said way too early.


5.Wait 3 Days To Text Her

tips for menWaiting 3 days to text a woman after you get her number is asking for trouble. Women are busy. Especially attractive women. They have a lot going on and a lot of men constantly hitting them up to go out. If you think you can play it cool and wait 3 full days before messaging her, you’re sorely mistaken. If you wait too long, and yes 3 days is far too long, she won’t respond. You’re much better off texting a woman the day you get her number and setting up a date at that point. This way you are fresh in her mind and are still relevant to her.